Monday, December 22, 2008

Its almost Christmas

Soooo I still get santa presents ....

and I still get that feeling of excitement in my stomach at night on christmas eve .....

AND yes, I admit. I still wake my brother up at 5am and we race down stairs to open the presents , even tho we know mostly what were getting!

and Im still proud to call this my Christmas Day!

Every one has a diffrent " meaning" for christmas but they are all awsome to each individual =]

I've done EVERYTHING I wanted to do this year.

I went out with those two boys ..........
I kissed a few to many boys ........... 8 ??
I bitched a few to many times ........
I lied all the time ........
but at the end of the day your no better than me !

=] I maybe the only one but I miss school.
I like the holidays but come on ! I miss seeing every one even if half them back stab over and over again!
Some people never grow up but thats what you get!
Ive learnt if you cant beat em why not join them.

Have a good Christmas

Friday, December 12, 2008

Schools out and Summers here!

Schools out and Summers here!

I am so glad that the year is gone! But still really sad to see it go =[ I mean yeah its great Im actually going to be in a class without the people who pull you down really apart from that Ive had an amazing year , firstly the world trip . Holy crap I was not prepared for that life changing trip! Yet it was the slap in the face that I had longly awaited for. I will miss school friends but for christs sake , Ill see them all bloody next year pfftt. Same shit , Diffrent year.

Yeaaa its pretty safe to say I'm over you! I actually opened my eyes to what a FXCKING jerk you are!

I really dont need one of theese anonymous bitching things , I really should not complain!

Im gunna go before you really get me started
Toodles xoxoxo

Monday, December 8, 2008


Get this off my chest

My good old friend I chatted today in PE , well I was just walking past and she was bored. I hope everything works out for you! Yes THAT girl is a bitch. She teated you bad and trashed you every time she could! People who dont actually do that sorta thing , will be much better off.

Yes, I fxcking get that its a personal joke and that I'm fat , but its kinda starting to make mewatch my weight Ive lost 3kg 59 to 56 kg =\ I dont mind the one personal joke with YOU ,but when those other boys start doing it.I kinda beleive it!

I can't wait to get out of your class . The lot of you , I fxcking cant stand it . All of you bitching ,Grow the ...UP! honestly even your friends know your bitching over nothing , stop trying to make others feel shit to make you life actually seem important . Coz in fact your a bitch. =]

Don't cry =[ I know I have NO idea whats going on, but I have an idea who it involves. I know something you dont about that , that IDK how the heck me LAUREN? knows? but I do and I needa tell you before you go. Dont bring me into it tho , but expect news before the week is out.